The Bath Bomb World® Blue Cattle Dog Bath Bomb project makes 7-8 character bombs
625g Bicarbonate Of Soda
325g Citric Acid
50g Epsom Salts
20g Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate
10g Kaolin Clay
10g Creme of Tarter
10g Cornstarch
10mls Sweet Almond Oil
15mls Fragrance
5mls Polysorbate 80
1 x Lakes Colours
1 x Paintbrush
Bath Bomb World® Cattle Dog Bath Bomb Mould
For best results grind epsom salts and citric acid in a food processor and then sieve with all dry ingredients into a large bowl making sure there are no lumps.
Mix wet ingredients, 10mls Sweet Almond Oil, 15mls fragrance oil, 5mls polysorbate 80 and mix well then add to your dry ingredients including the Lakes Colour. It is important that you add the correct amount of liquid so the mix is not too wet, or too dry and holds together, when squeezed, like damp sand. Spray with witch hazel if the mix is too dry..
Push the mix firmly into the mould and with a sharpe edge make sure the back of the mould is completely flat to avoid cracking. Slap onto you bench and remove the mould. Allow to dry for at least 24-48 hours until your bath bombs are solid. Add a small about of rubbing alcohol to mica colours and paint your design. Allow to dry