Bath Bomb World® Shampoo Bar Kit

 Bath Bomb World® Shampoo Bar Kit
Product Code: Bath Bomb World® Shampoo Bar Kit
Weight: 1.30kg
Availability: 9800
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Available Options

* Liquidyze™ Colour:

* Essential Oilz 1:

Bath Bomb World® Shampoo Bar Kit

The Kit Contains - makes 16 shampoo bars
1 kg Sodium Coco Sulphate
100g BTMS 50
50g Cetyl Alcohol
50g Coconut Oil
20g Lauric Acid
30mls Witch Hazel
30mls Polyquat 39
10mls Essential oil
30 mils Liquidyze™ colour

500g Sodium Coco Sulphate Noodles

50g BTMS 50 

25g Cetyl Alcohol

25g Coconut Oil

10g Lauric Acid

20mls Witch Hazel

5mls Essential Oil

10mls Conditioning Agent 39

Liquidyze™ Colour


In a pyrex jug place BTMS 50, cetyl alcohol, coconut oil, lauric acid and polyquat 39 and place jug in a double boiler until melted and clear, you can also use the microwave method at 20 second blasts until fully melted. In a large bowl place your sodium coco sulphate. Add you melted ingredints and combine. add witch hazel, fragrance and colour again combine. You should now have sticky mix which looks like the centre of a Bounty Bar.

Squish as much of the mix as you can into your chosen mould and then press down as hard as you can to compress. A hand press works best for this but you can also use a moon press or cookie cutters. If you are wanting to make multi coloured bars then simply divide the batch of mix before adding your colours. Allow to set in a dry place for 48 hours before pakaging.